Monday, 11 March 2013

Revise the following points of the Unit War and Peace

Within this topic candidates should be familiar with the key teachings from the religion(s) studied and should be aware of how religious leaders and other faith members have interpreted these teachings and applied them to life in society today.
• the concepts of peace and justice and the sanctity of life in relation to war and peace;
• the causes of war;
• conflict, including examples of recent wars;
• the reasons why religious believers might go to war, including the criteria for ‘Just War’ and ‘Holy War’;
• religious believers and pacifism;
• victims of war, including refugees, those maimed;
• organisations which help victims of war, e.g. The Red Cross, The Red Crescent;
• the work of a religious believer who has worked for peace;
• peacekeeping forces, e.g. United Nations, NATO;
• issues such as terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and nuclear proliferation;
• arguments for and against nuclear weapons, including proliferation;
• religious beliefs and teachings and modern statements about war and peace.