Monday, 27 October 2014

Saturday, 25 October 2014


Friday, 26 September 2014

To ponder, about Justice :

Thursday, 25 September 2014


What are the religious attitudes to prejudice?
Aim: Understand the meaning of concepts of tolerance, justice, harmony and the value of the individual

Task 1) Search on internet and create a fact file about  tolerance, justice, harmony and the value of the individual explaining what these principles are
Task 2) Answer those questions:
How would believing in tolerance and justice affect people's attitudes towards prejudice and discrimination?
Explain how religious believers try to develop harmony
Task 3) Discuss the following statement. try to consider different opinions.
"Everyone should have the right to free speech, even racists"

Check past paper question - mark scheme here - go Unit 3 page 18 

Create your fact file on word.doc or PPT. Save and print it and hand in next lesson on a A4 paper. 

  • Search links: 

  • H/W Research what religious people say and do against prejudice and discrimination
  • Revise types of prejudice and the consequences of prejudice . 


Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Research the use of animals:
For company (as pets)
Trade (Ivory and Fur)
Entertainment (circus, bull fighting, hunting)
Conservationism (Natural Parks and Zoos)
Complete your work using your on line book here (organisation code is 3872)

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Introduction to Animal rights

Lesson RE Period 4: What are “Animal Rights”?                               #animalrights                                     
LO: To explain what animal rights are, the reasons religious people care about animal rights and learn about the work of one organisation which protects the rights of animals.
Students should research using computer room and make a poster presentation in extension doc or power point presentation name “animal rights” including the following information:
รผIdentify diverse forms uses of animals: companion, as pets, as guides, to be used on research or for entertainment (zoos, circus) (It is a Level 4)
รผIdentify and explain the rights animals should have to be respected, to be loved, to have a shelter, to have food, to not be tortured (explain reasons for that) (Identify L4/Explain reasons L5)
รผReligious people and animal rights – What they say about it (at least two religions max. 4 religions). Explain simple form L5 (only one sentence); explain teachings, ideas in detail means you are using key words and high level skills: analysing - comparing, contrasting, evaluating – giving an opinion. It is a Level 6 to Level 7.
รผFind out at least one organisation which protects the rights of animals, explain their work - their aim/mission - how they protect animal rights. If explaining in simple form is a level 4 – a simple sentence where you only briefly describe the work. Explain in detail level 5. Explain in detail means using key words and demonstrate high level skills: analysing - comparing, contrasting, evaluating – giving an opinion) it is a level 6/7
รผInclude nice pictures to illustrate your work                                              
Sources:  F (online book)
I After you finish your work save it and send it to me I  

Tuesday, 6 May 2014


Revision War and Peace.
Please read the book and explain: war is peace, war is war, types of war, what Just War Theory & Jihad are, religious views on war and peace, people who are fighting for peace, weapons of mass destruction. Include explanation of concepts of Justice, value of Life, Sanctity of life.
Acess your book  on and

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Who were the religious leaders who have worked for peace?

Oscar Romero and Children from El Salvador

Our today's objective is to learn about the religious leaders who worked for peace.

In order to achieve it you need to read the text book and create a fact file about the religious leaders who have worked for peace (kerboodle page 110-111). Remember: You need your username and password. The organisation code is 3872.
In addition to the examples given in your book you can include Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Aung Suu Kyi, Oscar Romero, Norman Kember. (You can research about them on internet)
Aung Suu Kyi
Two religious leaders fact files is sufficient but make sure you include two examples from different religions.
In our fact file you need to give a short explanation of their background :
Norman Kember
Explain who they were/are: where they come from, what they did or do for living  why they decided to work for peace.
You also need to explain what they did or do - what actions they took or are taking to promote peace and very importantly: explain how their religious beliefs impact in their actions i.e. you MUST include religious references - the religious teachings that guided these believers to do their work for peace.
You can use the book quotes or GCSE bitesize. You can use EITHER powerpoint presentation,word doc or fakebook profile
Best works get from 10 to 25 merits.

If you already create your fact file, after that you must research about the work of peacekeepers.
Create a fact file from page 112-113. You must explain in your fact files: which organisations (names) and what they do to keep peace. You must research about terrorism and complete information according to instructions on page 113. Worksheet model you can access here.
Save your documents, write your names, print them all and hand them to me.  Best works get from 10 to 25 merits!

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

What are the effects of a war on its victims?

Please access your own online book kerboodle page 108-109 and create a fact file about the following :
What are the victims of war?
What are Red Cross and Red Crescent ?
What are the three parts of the movement?
What is the movement in action?

  • Extension task:

Explain the possible effects of war on a country and its own people
Explain how the International Committee of the Red Cross can protect the life and dignity of people in war
Past paper question (2010) Give two ways in which organisations might help victims of war (2 marks)

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

ICT exercise:

While waiting for your username and password for accessing Kerboodle (your GCSE book online) (organization code is 3872) go to GCSEbite size and read about War and Peace Make a presentation with fact files about Peace, Justice and Sanctity of Life - these principles are going to guide religious and non religious people towards War and Peace. Save your work either in word doc or power point presentation. Remember good work and attitude is worth 10 merits! Enjoy ICT experience!

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Homework Y9 !

All questions are based on past paper questions. Open the document here.